Quick Wins
Quick-Wins activities are the perfect opportunity to be there for the people around us while discovering your talents. Here are 5 key reasons to get involved:
Quick and easy | Feeling good | Experience the Lord God | Discover your gifts | Develop your skills
Set specific goals and activities you want to try and write down what you experienced while doing them. Remember that even the smallest step can have a big impact. Don't wait and start today!
Share your Quick-Wins moments and inspire others!
How to share photos? Simply send them through the following form with a short description of what the photo shows and what challenge was met.
Catalogue of Quick-Wins activities
This guide is full of simple but effective challenges,
that you can incorporate into your daily life.
Do you desire to develop a relationship with the Lord God, but prefer personal study or don't feel like group or sharing?
Read a chapter from The Fire of Faith, if you don't have time or don't want to read the whole chapter, read at least a little bit.
Think about what it says to you and write down a few thoughts, or at least one thought that caught your attention. Then give it to God in prayer.
You can download the book by clicking here.
Sometimes we find it easier to share and think about things when we are in a group of more people than when we are alone. We want to explore the Fire of Faith book/booklet together.
Join us for an online meeting and share your thoughts with others. We will meet every Sunday at 7pm.
Link to the meeting: ZOOM
You can download the book by clicking here.
Do you have a partner, a friend with whom you would like to grow spiritually?
Read together a chapter from the book The Fire of Faith and discuss it. Reflect on it and share your thoughts together. Pray about it together.
If you don't have anyone to study with, you can share an idea that caught your eye in the book/chapter. Whether with a friend, a classmate, or on social media.
You can download the book by clicking here.
We can often name the bad qualities of others well, and we don't spare criticism either. But we don't talk much about the good things, and others don't hear from us as often what we appreciate, love, and admire about them. It is not enough to think good things, it is important to say them.
Write/tell your friend what you appreciate them for.
How good is the right word at the right time. In the same way, a good book given at the right time can literally change a person's life.
Choose a book that has shaped or influenced you in some way in your life and donate it. In the process, you can tell the other person your story connected to the book.
Before you send the book on, pray and ask the Lord God to prepare a good opportunity for you to donate.
Be the one who saved someone's life. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt to register or donate. If you're afraid to go alone, bring a friend.
Nowadays, book booths are quite popular, where people can take a free book or give one of their own.
Do you have a good book you'd like someone else to read? Go to the book booth and put this treasure in. Maybe it will change someone's life! 🙂
I'm sure you've done something you've volunteered to do. Try to think about what God is calling you to do, what would you really like to do?
Don't look at what others are doing, or what should be done. Think about what you, in particular, can do for the world and what will make you genuinely happy.
What is your spiritual gift?
If you lack inspiration, call the preacher or church elder and ask where you can help, ask a good friend what they think you are good at and what you could do for others.
Organize a brigade for the choir/town. Organize a trip or weekend for a group of friends or youth.
People are often lonely at this time, and a regular interest in the form of a phone call will make them happy and will surely enrich you as well. I'm sure you have someone in your family who will be very happy to hear from you.
Choose either your parents, grandparents, or someone who needs it and call them once a week.
There are a lot of needy people around us. There always have been, always are, always will be. Mother Teresa knew that, and if you don't know anything about her, feel free to read up 🙂
Anyway, good deeds for others can be done by all of us and it is easier than many people think. Try to take an interest in other people, in their needs, and then help them in some concrete way. And don't be afraid to drop a few pennies in the process. God will then bless them much more than if you spend it on ice cream 🙂 .
How about:
- buy/create a small gift for a shelter, orphanage, medical professionals, seniors, etc.
- notice a tired shop assistant, a hungry homeless person, etc. and give them a little something
- contribute to ADRU, Coins a Day and other projects
It's wonderful to know that someone cares about us. Take an interest in others, you yourself would be pleased to know they care.
You may find that someone in your circle is going through something that they need your support with. And often the only thing you can do for them is to pray.
Choose 1-3 people to pray for every day for at least 5 days. Write their names down and keep this list in sight so that you are not tempted to forget to pray. 😉
Jesus was not famous because he was a preacher and orator, but mainly because he was observant and helped ordinary people....that is true Christianity.
- Think about the person you only have occasional contact with
- Call, text, or tell him you'd like to help him with anything. See if there's anything you can do for him
- For 3 weeks, choose a different person each week
Share how your relationship has evolved!
There's no one like Dad or Mom. They're the people who love you most in the world.
- Write to Dad, write to Mom, write to both.
- Write a letter, or even just a short note, and leave it somewhere on the table or on the fridge.
- Write what you appreciate about them and what you are grateful for.
I'm sure you have friends you care about who are not in contact with the faith collective. Some may have drifted away from God and youth, I'm sure many of your friends have never experienced anything like this because they grew up in a secular environment.
Pray for them, and when you sense the right opportunity, invite them to your small group or youth group.
When we walk down the street, it happens that we look at our mobile phones or talk to our friends and don't pay attention to what is happening around us.
What about trying to change it? Next time you walk down the street, watch your surroundings and try to find a person you can offer help to. You may not meet with acceptance, don't be afraid of rejection. You can help an elderly lady with a heavy shopping bag or a mum with a pram on the bus.
Before you go out into the street, give everything into the hands of the Lord God.
Try applying this activity on the street for the next 3 weeks, maybe it will form a nice habit. 🙂
Experiencing God's closeness with friends, at events or in the choir is great!
But where else should there be comfort, love and spiritual atmosphere than in our home? Be the one who helps create that atmosphere at home.
Try some of this:
- prepare a common start to the Saturday
- prepare an evening devotion
- prepare dinner for the family
Some things we take for granted - as standard. Be the one who notices and appreciates it.
- Choose two days a week
- On those days, help out at home with something you don't normally do
- After 3 weeks, consider this Task completed
PS: Don't say you're doing it for the MC. Don't forget to share what they said back home. 😉
Be a willow for someone and listen to them with sincere interest. Whether the conversation lasts an hour, two hours, or a whole day, give the person your time so they can talk.
If it's someone less communicative, go do an activity together where you can share more easily.
Pray that the Lord God will put someone in mind who needs such a willow.
Listen carefully during the Sabbath sermon and then give feedback to the preacher.
- What did you really like about the sermon?
- What idea intrigued you the most?
- What was the preacher's speech?
- Was the sermon long enough?
- Is there anything that could have been better next time?
Say everything honestly but with love.<3
You can only give if you receive. Our personal relationship with God matters and needs to be built! Draw strength and desire to be there for others from Him.
Jesus went to quiet places in his life to pray and spend time with God. So you, too, take time to go to a quiet place and pray. Give God space to speak to you too.
Nature is the ideal setting for an encounter with God.
The Bible is the Word of God. Through it, we can communicate with God and get to know Him more.
Read one book of the Bible and write down at least one thought from each chapter.
Before each reading, surrender to God in prayer and ask Him to reach you through the text. Cultivate in yourself a love for God's Word.
The preacher or elders of the congregation have a good overview of what needs to be done in the congregation.
It is often more than they can handle on their own, and your willingness to help them is sure to please them.
Call the preacher or church leader and ask how you can be helpful. How and who you can help, what you can pray for.
Are you angry and have a lot of energy? Do you need to be alone or have no one to tell? Go to a lonely place and say it out loud, or scream it at the top of your lungs. The Lord God will hear you.
Find a place where no one else can hear you, or you are drowned out by your surroundings - the sound of water by a stream, or an abandoned sidewalk by a busy road/highway bridge, or find an abandoned basement, a house where no one is. Play loud music that expresses your emotions and gives you strength. Speak up or shout out loud.
Find your breathing exercises and take a deep breath. Don't let your emotions stay inside you and destroy you from the inside.
Tell it to God like David.
We're like a vessel. A vessel that God desires to fill with the Holy Spirit so that it overflows. But He has no way to fill it while our old "sinful self" dwells in it. It doesn't just leave us, it's rooted pretty deep and it doesn't want to go away. God respects our choice and will not destroy and replace our "sinful self" against our will. We have to make that choice and start acting on it.
God loves us, but He does not impose Himself. He cares for us and looks forward to every contact with us. The best means is prayer. A state of communion with God, a tool of communication, a wonderful gift. Let us make use of it!
Pray for yourself, for your transformation and for your relationship with God - let Him make Himself known to you.
Write an honest story about yourself. Be completely open about it, don't be afraid to write the bad, but at the same time don't forget the good.
You don't have to show it to anyone, but if you have a real life partner, you can let them read it and reveal the true you, how you perceive yourself. He'll be able to give you feedback on it and you might find that others perceive you differently or the same way.
If you don't have such a partner, don't despair. The most important partner is the Lord God, read it to Him and He answers.
We've gotten a lot of cool t-shirts over the years from congresses, Youth for Jesus, and Mission Camps. But isn't it a shame to wear them just for sleeping? They often have a great motto, verse, ...
So wash it, iron it, and wear your jersey to school, to work, out with friends, or even to the gym to let them know which team you belong to.
Evangelism has never been easier! Be seen.
...Jesus went into the wilderness and stayed there for 40 days.....
😀 NO Don't worry, you don't have to go to the desert, but do experience a demo version of this experience. Maybe it will change you and make you a richer person.
- LIGHT VERSION: Choose 1 day in each of the next 3 weeks (except Saturday) to take a total break from all electronics and toxic relationships.
- HARD CORE VERSION: Choose 1 week where you are free of electronics and toxic relationships.
PS: You can use the electronics on the teacher's instruction or at work.
Take a moment for yourself and think if you have ever been in a situation where you said "Yes" but in your heart you were thinking "No" and vice versa. Write these situations down on paper and give them to God. Then think about whether it was right to say something different than you really thought in that situation. Were you realistic in the moment?
During the next 3 weeks, focus more on your emotions when dealing with people and pray that the Lord God will teach you to respond correctly without pretense, but with respect and love.
Experience the power of prayer. Sign up for one hour in any city as part of 24/7 Prayer
ATTENTION! May be addictive. 🙂
You can sign up at various locations. For example:
- prayers24-7.cz
- Facebook groups @Prayers 24-7
- IG @prayers247_cr
Draw a picture, make a photo collage, shoot a video, compose a song or poem, create a website, invent a play, rehearse a skit - any way you can, but creatively make a piece of art for someone you really care about.
Think about what you admire about the person and put it into art.
If you're not inspired, feel free to use something that already exists. Write a nice song, draw a nice picture according to the instructions on the internet and donate it.
Variation with the elderly: go to a retirement home and donate the pictures, or sing with them - teach them a new song and sing some old and well-known songs with them (folk songs, for example).
People around us often ask us about various spiritual questions or about our Christian beliefs. Through the correspondence course you can learn interesting information and then use it in such conversations.
Choose a correspondence course topic that you are interested in and would like to deepen your knowledge on. After completing the course, try to recommend it to other people.
Prepare a reflection for the youth, or even a sermon. If you don't want to do youth, you can prepare a time with a close friend, or perhaps an evening/morning devotional with your family.
Find a Bible text that speaks to your life or could speak to your audience. Be brave and choose a topic you may not feel like getting into, something that touches you deeply, be honest.
An older lonely person, or a friend on an Erasmus abroad, a new classmate who doesn't know anyone here, or a person you know is feeling lonely, someone who hasn't come to the choir for a long time.
Make an appointment or a phone call. Suggest and plan an evening or morning together, a sport, a movie or even a picnic.
Try to listen, lonely people often want to talk and will be pleased if you give them your full attention. Pray with them.
Sometimes it is important to be alone, to pray, to sort things out, to read, to study... But many things are better when there are more of us.
Start a small group with your friends where you will love to share your interests and grow together. You can play sports together, read books, watch a good movie, play board games...
In the same way, a small group is important for spiritual growth. How about reading the Bible together, discussing it and praying over it? Let's work together to change the received idea that it is strange to share with each other about our spiritual lives.
Picture Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso or YOU! Unleash creative hell! CREATIVE EXPLOSION! 😀
Look around you - God is a God of creativity, not boredom.
- Create a poster/invitation for a regular service or special congregational event
- Or create an event online (Facebook), invitation
- Or do a new youth or choir decoration
Share a PHOTO of your work!
Worship is not "Service for the people" or "I wonder what they're going to entertain me with". Worship is an EXPERIENCE WITH GOD AND PEOPLE. But in order for it to be that, you have to be a part of it, otherwise it's "about nothing"...
This quick win is really easy:
- See a ministry leader or choir director
- Ask: What can I do for you during the service? I'd be happy to help you with anything!
Don't forget to share what it was like for you afterwards!
Creating a personal plan
Create your personal Quick-Wins activity plan with this tab. Print it out, track your progress by checking off the activities you've completed and circling the ones you're still working on. Keep track of your accomplishments and plans right at your fingertips!
You can download the bookmark in English by clicking here or in English by clicking here.