Quick Wins

Create your personal Quick-Wins plan and get started today!

Quick-Wins activities are the perfect opportunity to be there for the people around us while discovering your talents. Here are 5 key reasons to get involved:

Quick and easy | Feeling good | Experience the Lord God | Discover your gifts | Develop your skills

Set specific goals and activities you want to try and write down what you experienced while doing them. Remember that even the smallest step can have a big impact. Don't wait and start today!

Share your Quick-Wins moments and inspire others!

How to share photos? Simply send them through the following form with a short description of what the photo shows and what challenge was met.

Catalogue of Quick-Wins activities

This guide is full of simple but effective challenges,
that you can incorporate into your daily life.

Creating a personal plan

Create your personal Quick-Wins activity plan with this tab. Print it out, track your progress by checking off the activities you've completed and circling the ones you're still working on. Keep track of your accomplishments and plans right at your fingertips!

You can download the bookmark in English by clicking here or in English by clicking here.